FAQ's - Freelancer - Search

How do I search for work/projects/freelance gigs on WedJobs?

You can find the search bar on our homepage. Type in a keyword related to the job in mind and see available openings instantly.

How can I choose the projects I wish to apply for?

Choose the project depending on your skill, number of hours you can put in and the nature of the job.

Is there a salary range which I can select?

Yes,you can filter out the results of your search based on Salary, Location and other criteria.

Are there opportunities even for Makeup Artists?

Postivitely. Please keep an eye on our portal to find openings for your particular skill.

How can I find a temporary gig on WedJob?

Our portal has the industry’s best companies looking for full-time and part-time opportunities. Browse for your talent from our home page and check for part-time openings.

Can I filter my opportunities according to my field of expertise?

Yes, WedJobs lets you filter jobs according to Date of posting, Specialisation, Salary , Experience, gender and Job Roles.

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